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Đ/c Tạ Việt Hùng

Director of the Department of Education and Training

Nguyễn Văn Thêm
Đ/c Nguyễn Văn Thêm

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training

Bạch Đăng Khoa
Đ/c Bạch Đăng Khoa

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training

Đào Thị Hường
Đ/c Đào Thị Hường

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training


1. Comrade Tạ Việt Hùng - Director

- Serves as the head of the Department of Education and Training with the responsibility for leadership, guidance, management, and operation of all activities within the Department. Assumes responsibility before the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee, and the Ministry of Education and Training regarding the province's educational and training affairs.

- Oversees the following tasks: organizational structure, staffing, and civil servants; training, professional development, and team building; financial management, asset management, planning, and development of education and training; planning programs, projects, and the construction of standardized national schools; the application of information technology, digital transformation, and administrative reform within the entire Education sector; commendation and reward activities; serves as the account holder for the sector.

- Directly in charge of the Personnel Organization Department and the Planning-Finance Department.

- Maintains working relationships with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee, other departments, committees, sectors, organizations, and districts or cities within the province, as well as other Departments of Education and Training nationwide.

- Participates in Steering Committees and Councils as determined by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

- Directly monitors education and training activities in the city of Bac Giang.

2. Comrade Nguyen Van Them - Deputy Director

- Assist the Director in monitoring and directing the following areas: Office management; Preschool education; Food safety and hygiene, health in schools, disease prevention; Application of information technology in management, administrative reform, and control of administrative procedures within the agency and the entire sector.

- Directly in charge of: Office; Preschool Education Department.

- Participate in Steering Committees and Councils as decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

- Directly monitor education and training in the following districts: Hiep Hoa, Tan Yen, Viet Yen.

3. Comrade Bạch Đăng Khoa - Deputy Director

- Assists the Director in monitoring and directing the following areas: Secondary Education; Continuing Education; Professional Education; Ethnic Education; examination and ensuring the quality of education; scientific research.

- Directly in charge of: Department of Secondary Education and Continuing Education; Examination and Education Quality Assurance Department.

- Participates in Steering Committees and Councils as decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

- Directly monitors education and training in the districts of Sơn Động, Lục Nam, Yên Dũng.

4. Comrade Dao Thi Huong - Deputy Director

- Assist the Director in monitoring and directing the following areas: Primary Education; inspection work; political education, ideology, ethics, lifestyle, life skills education for students, and military and defense education; building safe and friendly schools...; organizational work within the sector.

- Directly in charge of: Inspection; Department of Primary Education.

- Participate in Steering Committees, Councils decided by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

- Directly monitor education and training in the districts of Luc Ngan, Lang Giang, Yen The.

In addition to the above tasks, the Deputy Directors perform other tasks as assigned by the Director.


Source: Announcement No. 149/TB-SGDĐT dated December 7, 2021 (The announcement takes effect from December 1, 2021).

Editorial Board

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