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Đọc bài viết
1. Position, Functions 2. Mission and Authority

1. Position, Functions

1.1. The Department of Education and Training is a specialized agency under the provincial People's Committee, performing the function of consultancy and assistance to the provincial People's Committee in the management of state affairs related to education and training within the province, in accordance with the provisions of the law, and carrying out tasks and powers according to the delegation and authorization of the provincial People's Committee, the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.

1.2. The Department of Education and Training has legal personality, its own seal, and account as regulated by law; it is under the direction and management of the organization, position, personnel, and establishment of the provincial People's Committee. Simultaneously, it is subject to guidance, instructions, and inspections regarding professional, vocational tasks, and other regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

2. Mission and Authority

2.1. Advisory to the Provincial People's Committee to the Provincial People's Council

a) Decide on plans, programs, projects, and policies for the development of education, student orientation, and career guidance within the province, in line with the strategic development of the education sector and the socio-economic development plan of the province;

b) Decide on the framework or annual tuition fee rates for public educational institutions within the province's management scope, as stipulated by the law;

c) Decide on the staffing of officials in the education management agencies within the province, as prescribed by the law;

d) Approve the total number of personnel working in public educational institutions within the province's management scope, as stipulated by the law.

2.2. Submit to the Provincial People's Committee for decision

a) Policies, programs, projects, and initiatives for the development of education in the area as prescribed; measures to organize the implementation of administrative reform tasks in the field of education; approval of the rearrangement project, restructuring public educational institutions within the management scope suitable for the local reality; plans for establishing, reorganizing, and dissolving specialized departments and tasks under the Department of Education and Training as regulated;

b) Issuance of instructional documents, organization of the implementation of legal documents on education; integration plans for the content of the network of educational and training institutions into provincial planning in accordance with the Planning Law and related regulations; plans for the development of education in the area; plans, programs, and projects for the development of high school education in the area; plans for the implementation of the project to innovate the curriculum and textbooks for general education assigned within the provincial scope; legal documents on education within its jurisdiction;

c) Approval documents regarding the establishment, permission for establishment; merger, division, separation, dissolution of university-level educational institutions, branches of university-level educational institutions; branches of pedagogical colleges in the area;

d) Delegation, authorization to the People's Committee of districts, cities, and the Department of Education and Training to implement some tasks, powers under the state management authority on education of the Provincial People's Committee;

e) Regulation of functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Department of Education and Training as prescribed by the Government and guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training.

2.3. Submit to The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for decision

a) To establish or permit the establishment, revoke decisions on establishment, or decisions permitting establishment, merge, divide, dissolve, rename, convert the type of educational institutions, including public and private educational institutions, such as high schools, comprehensive schools with the highest level being high school, boarding ethnic high schools with high school level, provincial-level centers for continuing education, district-level vocational education centers, and other educational institutions under state management as regulated; to permit establishment, decide on dissolution, or terminate activities for preschools, and foreign-invested basic education institutions (except preschools and basic education institutions established by foreign diplomatic missions, intergovernmental organizations proposing establishment) as regulated;

b) To issue decisions, directives, and other documents in the field of education within the jurisdiction of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee as assigned;

c) To decide or propose to competent authorities to commend organizations and individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of education in the province.

2.4. To lead and coordinate with relevant agencies and units in organizing recruitment or decentralized recruitment, use, train, and develop teachers, educational management officials, and staff in public educational institutions under the Department of Education and Training, as stipulated by law.

2.5. To take the lead and coordinate with relevant agencies to implement the state management function on education by the Provincial People's Committee for universities and provincial-level continuing education centers, in accordance with the government's decentralization.

2.6. To provide guidance, disseminate, and organize the implementation of legal documents on education; plans, programs, projects, initiatives, and other educational content after obtaining authorized approval.

2.7. To instruct and organize the implementation of professional and technical work; educational outreach, literacy promotion, establishment of national standard schools, and the development of a learning society in the locality; admissions, examinations, issuance, retrieval of degrees and certificates, and quality assurance of education for the Education and Training Departments, and educational institutions within the management scope.

2.8.  To manage the implementation of regular education programs for entities conducting regular education programs as prescribed.

2.9. To decide on educational activities, suspend educational activities for high schools and multi-level high school institutions, provincial-level boarding ethnic high schools, district-level boarding ethnic high schools with high school levels, language centers, computer science centers in the area (excluding language centers, computer science centers belonging to universities, colleges, operating within the university premises), foreign-invested educational institutions (excluding foreign-invested universities and branches of foreign-invested universities in Vietnam).

2.10. To decide on the establishment of the school council, recognition, appointment, dismissal of the school council president, addition, replacement of members of the school council for high schools, multi-level schools with the highest level being high school, provincial ethnic boarding high schools, district-level ethnic boarding high schools under the Department of Education and Training; decision on recognition, appointment, dismissal, transfer, change of position, commendation, discipline for the heads, deputy heads of units under the Department of Education and Training and career units under the Department of Education and Training according to the title standards and procedures as stipulated by law.

2.11.  To recognize, not recognize the school council, school council president, vice president of the school council, principal, vice principal of private high schools, multi-level private schools with the highest level being high school on the local area.

2.12. To Issue, revoke business registration certificates, decide to suspend activities for consulting service businesses on studying abroad in the area as prescribed by law.

2.13. To take the lead in developing annual plans for the number of employees of the Department of Education and Training and its affiliated educational institutions, submit to the competent authority for approval; allocate the number of employees according to job positions for affiliated educational institutions as prescribed; guide, organize the recruitment, utilization, evaluation, training, and development, and implement policies for officials, civil servants, and laborers at educational institutions managed by the provincial People's Committee as prescribed.

2.14. To develop the education budget estimate, make decisions on allocation, and distribute the budget to affiliated educational institutions after obtaining approval from the authorized authority; approve the settlement, announce the annual settlement, and consolidate budget settlement reports of affiliated educational institutions; coordinate with the Department of Finance, the Department of Planning and Investment to determine and balance the annual state budget for education in the province for submission to the authorized level; provide guidance, inspection, and examination of the allocation and use of the state budget and other legal financial sources for education within the province.

2.15. To guide and organize the mobilization of resources for the development of education, ensuring the autonomy and responsibility of affiliated educational institutions; manage finances, assets, and facilities as stipulated by the law. Take responsibility for explaining educational activities, education quality, the management of teachers and students, and implement education development policies within the management scope before the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee, the Ministry of Education and Training, and society.

2.16. To implement inspection, examination, resolution of complaints, handle accusations, and dealing with violations as stipulated by the law.

2.17. To conduct periodic and ad-hoc statistics, information, and reports on the education sector of the province within the management scope to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Education and Training as prescribed.

2.18. To manage teaching and educational activities within and outside schools; direct the implementation of moral education, lifestyle, and school safety activities; organize the implementation of the plan to implement the Project to Innovate the High School Education Program, textbooks; implement and direct the implementation of educational communication activities in the area.

2.19. To guide the implementation of autonomous mechanisms for public entities in sectors managed according to legal regulations; manage the activities of public entities within and outside the public sector within the scope of the sector and field.

2.20. To specify the functions, tasks, and powers of the offices and specialized departments under the Department, in line with the functions, tasks, and powers of the Department.

2.21. To implement the tasks and powers stipulated in Decree No. 46/2017/ND-CP dated April 21, 2017, by the Government, regulating conditions for investment and operations in the field of education; Decree No. 135/2018/ND-CP dated October 4, 2018, by the Government, amending and supplementing some provisions of Decree No. 46/2017/ND-CP dated April 21, 2017, by the Government, regulating conditions for investment and operations in the field of education; Decree No. 86/2018/ND-CP dated June 6, 2018, by the Government, regulating foreign cooperation and investment in the field of education, and other relevant legal regulations.

2.22. To assist the provincial People's Committee in advising the Party Committee of the provincial People's Committee on education and training, as assigned for management.

2.23. To implement other tasks assigned by the provincial People's Committee or as stipulated by law./.

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